Before The Beginning…

By: F. M. St. Germain

Warning: we don’t deal in light fluffy matters. We’re probably going to introduce you to some new terms and concepts, and, we won’t ever present you with just one side of an argument. So, after reading anything that we write, you’re going to have to think a little bit, and, you’ll probably end up reading something else that relates to our writings. At best, we will occasionally throw a picture of a kitten, or puppy, into a post to give you a little “pick me up.” We are not here to tell you what you ought to believe. We are not here to tell you how to think – but, we are thinking. We are asking questions and evaluating information. We are on a quest for truth, understanding, wisdom, and for civil discourse. Before you read anything written by any contributor to the Christian Freethought Project, kindly ask yourself what is most important to you among the following options:

  1. To know the truth, even if the truth is scary; even if it means changing some fundamental belief that you have held for your entire life.
  2. To only read things that support your current belief system, even if they are untrue. Better to be ignorant to the truth than to face something scary.
  3. Is there a “c?” I think everyone is covered by “a” and “b,” but, it seems like I should’ve found a way to give you some third option. Oh well, here’s a picture of a kitten:


There… feel a little better about things? Good. If you answered “a,” then welcome! If you answered “b,” and you genuinely meant it, you’re probably already reading some other article that reaffirms all the dogmas to which you clutch so desperately you might want to hold off on reading any further, unless, and until, your answer changes to “a.” Reading anything that we write will almost certainly make anyone that selects “b” feel quite uncomfortable. If you’re still with us, welcome to the Christian Free Thinkers Project! I’m sorry, and you’re welcome, for whatever we make you think about… You know what, here… you deserve another picture!


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