Let’s Get Political…

Which "team" are you on? I'm sure that it's the "right" one. You probably feel pretty convinced that you are in the political party that Jesus would be in, if he were talking The Earth today. See, here's the thing: I don't think you are in the party that Jesus would be in, at all.... Continue Reading →

Shocking New Discovery About The King James Version Of The Bible! (With Original Sources And Citations) — F.M. St. Germain

New Evidence has been uncovered about the manner in which the King James Version of the bible was translated. The translation was handled … by dividing the translators in “companies,” or, basically, by committee. of course it was. What’s much more interesting is that it wasn’t the first english translation, and the group of scholars... Continue Reading →

The Real Joke That Came From The White House Correspondent’s Dinner… — F.M. St. Germain

The ritual of protecting the first amendment by roasting the nation’s politicians and media continued this past weekend. Thank whomever you worship (Jesus, Allah, Vishnu, Stephen Hawking, Christopher Hitchens, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and the other living atheists that haven’t failed to continue existing **sorry, kids – we all put our faith in something**¹) that there’s […]... Continue Reading →

Before The Beginning…

By: F. M. St. Germain Warning: we don’t deal in light fluffy matters. We’re probably going to introduce you to some new terms and concepts, and, we won’t ever present you with just one side of an argument. So, after reading anything that we write, you’re going to have to think a little bit, and,... Continue Reading →

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